Cervical Spondolysis, Pain and Stiffness Neck, Vertigo and Headache.
Spondylitis - particularly Cervical Spondylitis.
Pain, numbness, stiffness & stretching sensation in the nape of the neck & back radiating to arms, fingers & lions.
Neuragia (pain along the nerves).
Cramps, jerking, twitching and shortening of muscles.
Pain between the shoulders.
Vertigo & headache.
Pressure over sacrum, spinal concussion and pain in coccyx radiating up the spine.
Dosage- 8-10 drops with 1/4th cup of water thrice in a day.
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₹540.00 नियमित मूल्य
₹513.00बिक्री मूल्य
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